Claim Office Company Information Screen

The basic settings section of the insurance claim office profile contain the company information. You can edit some of these fields.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Basic Settings - Company Information link The Company Information screen displays by default. Claim office and administration fields appear here.
Company The company name of the claim office profile. This field is disabled after you create the profile.
Unit This is the unique claim unit number for the claim office.
Office Code The claim office ID for the insurance company. This field is disabled after you create the profile.
Federal ID Number A tax ID number that identifies the company issued by the federal government.
Office Name Enter the name for this claim office.
CCC Location ID This is a unique number that identifies this company’s CCC Location ID (formerly CCC Mailbox ID). This number must be correct in order for you to send information electronically to this company. This is a 7 digit number provided by CCC (e.g., 123456-7).
Get ID Select this option to retrieve your CCC Location ID.
Message This is optional. Enter any message in this field.
Address 1
Address 2
These fields are the basic address information for the company.
Phone Type
This droplist allows you to select the type of phone number (e.g., Business, Evening, Day, etc.).
Phone Number Enter the phone number in this field.The entry is formatted as (___) ___-____ x _________.
Order The first number displayed is the Primary number. The second number displayed is the Secondary number.
Up/Down arrows These arrows move the selected phone number up or down the list.
The red X button below the Up/Down arrows deletes the selected phone number.
Contact Enter the company contact information in this field.
File Options in the menu bar File button include Save, Save and Close, and Close.
Save and Close A toolbar option that saves the information and closes the screen.
Save This option saves the information.
Close This option allows you to close the screen without saving the information. A confirmation message window opens with options for saving the information (Yes, No, Cancel).

See Also

Editing Claim Office Company Information

Adding or Editing Company Information







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